Thursday, January 23, 2020

Beware of False teaching by Fr Daniel Poovannathil, Br Sajith Joseph: No Hell!

I am sorry. I am withdrawing my remarks mentioned in this article about some anointed and Spirit-filled servants of my LORD JESUS CHRIST. I understand that I have no right to criticise, correct or judge them. I happened to see a video clipping circulated by someone containing some words of my beloved Reverend Priests and a Lay Missionary. That video has been removed from the Youtube channel. So it may be a fabricated one to discredit them and the Catholic Church. I am not deleting this article because if I do so how can I make a public apology for my erroneous assumptions that may have hurt or misguided someone? I am sorry, Dear and Very Respected Fathers Daniel Poovannathil and Michael Panachikkal. I am sorry Brother Sajith Joseph!

I happened to see some videos of some of our favourite preachers like Rev Fr Daniel Poovannathil, Rev Fr Michael Panachikkal V C, Brother Sajith Joseph etc about whom I have also written posts in this blog earlier. But after seeing these video clippings in which they categorically state that there is no hell, I feel that it is completely against the teachings of my beloved Divine Master Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church which is HIS mystical body. 

I also feel that it is contrary to the messages shared by my dearest Holy Virgin Mother which I fully believe. Hence I am sharing it here so that my blog visitors also watch it and beseech for Grace and prudence from the Holy Mother which She is eagerly waiting to grant to discern what is right and what is wrong during these end times. 

I am not sharing this post and video to judge anyone even though I have apprehensions about why some chosen and anointed preachers are teaching differently like these! Is it the fulfilment of the warning issued by my Divine Master through Matthew 24:24 "that false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones". 

I make it clear that by sharing this article or the video I am nobody to judge them. I am a humble slave of Lord Jesus and I honour and respect everyone in the world who loves and serves my Beloved Master. Then please understand how much reverence and love I have for anointed and mighty Apostles like them! I request my blog readers not to criticise or hate them, but pray fervently for them and all the servants of God!

With the Grace I received from my Divine Master (Who gives Grace upon Grace from HIS fullness [Jn. 1:16] and from my Holy Virgin Mother (Who is full of God's Grace [Lk. 1:28], I wish to say and exhort every faithful not to believe anyone (whoever it is) who teaches there is no hell or deplore the signs of the time we see now and the messages given by the Lord and His Mother through several chosen ones. 

Lord Jesus Christ has categorically stated that there is a hell and whoever does not repent for his sins while on this earth will end up in that hell. HE has also exhorted us to know from the 'signs of the time' the fulfilment of the prophecies and be on our own guard!

As we are still alive in this 'Age of Grace' and GOD's infinite Mercy is free, instant and easy, please avail it now in 3 simple steps right now without any trouble, price or effort. 

1. Believe in your heart and profess with your mouth that Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died for your sins also.

2. Honestly repent for all your sins (however grave they are) and realise that Lord Jesus Christ suffered for your sins also. (Detest them and resolve not to commit again).

3. Confess directly to the Lord right now, and then to a Catholic Priest when you get a chance.

Please watch and Pray and be on your Guard!


  1. Brother, I am listening Fr. Daniel from the last five year. He is good preacher and I never find that he is preaching wrongly. Please pray for father. I also pray for you and father.

    1. Dear brother in Christ Jesus, thank you for adding your comment.
      We too are great fans of Rev Fr Daniel Poovannathil. He is without doubt an anointed Preacher and a gifted speaker.
      As mentioned above, when I happened to watch his video clip, I was shocked. Unfortunately that video has been removed.
      As a Divine duty, I just wrote this article.
      Thank you for your Prayers. Lets continue to pray for all our beloved Preachers whom God has given us to grow in holiness. God Bless.

    2. Dear brother, I have withdrawn my article about Rev Fr Daniel and tendered an apology. Please check it in the above article.


You are Welcome to add your Comments, Opinions, Doubts, Queries and Prayers below. God Bless...!