The recent miracle taking place on the Granite 'Holy Cross' situated at the St. Mary's Cathedral Church, Manarcad in Kottayam district is yet another message from the Blessed Virgin Mary to her beloved children. This incident was telecast by popular Malayalam channel Asianet in 'Viswasichalum Illenkilum' program.
Large number of people from all religions and communities are visiting this famous pilgrim center to see the miracle. The According to sources, the incident first occurred after a three day retreat in the Church last month end. beautifully scented oil started flowing from the large 'Cross' made of granite. According to eye witness and people from all walks of life, the fragrance of the heavenly oil fills the area and its surroundings.
It should be an eye-opener for the heads of the Syrian Orthodox and Jacobite Church denominations who are in constant dispute over authority, power and property. It is really heart breaking to see the news of disputes, quarrels, police cases, court cases, electronic and media reports, etc by the hon'ble and reverend Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Clergy and the faithful attacking and blaming one another and to keep on fighting till the Lord Jesus Comes...!
Both the rites (Syrian Jacobite and Orthodox) that follow the Lord, who asked HIS disciples to forgo everything for the sake of the Kingdom of God, is expecting some flexibility from both the parties. If the two groups who are real brothers fight over worldly things, Mary, the Mother of the Lord will be very much disappointed on the actions of her children against the 'Wish' of Her Son...!
If anyone who says he is a Christian and is not ready to forgive and forget, we need to check whether he is a Christian or anti-Christian what ever place or position he adorns....!!!
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