The purpose of this blog is to help the humans to find the One True God and to Reach HIM to live eternally. The contents published in this blog are inspired by the Holy Spirit for the greater Glory of Lord Jesus Christ.
International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) has announced its re-scheduled dates for the VIII Leadership Formation Institute Program 2019 in Rome in Italy from 6-26 October. Earlier the LFI was scheduled to be held from 2018 September 2-22. It is a golden opportunity for those devoted persons who aspire to become powerful leaders in the Catholic Charismatic Movement. Proclaiming the Gospel is not an option but an obligation on the part of everyone who has known and accepted Jesus Christ as his/her Saviour and Redeemer. It is never a free service. The rewards given to those who strive even little to spread the Gospel is immense. The method and amount of preaching may differ from person to person depending upon the talents and resources given to each. While Priests, Religious and lay missionaries make Gospel propagation their full-time activity, ordinary Christians must try to spread the Good News at least among their kith and kin and contacts by their life and other resources they have. Catholic Charismatic Leadership Formation Institute is ideal for people who feel an inner calling to serve the Lord. Eligibility to requirements to participate: Catholic Charismatic Prayer group leaders and persons who wish to become leaders of prayer groups in future are eligible to undergo this training camp. For more information and Online Registration, click the below link:
Documents required: * One Passport Photo. * Passport page with photo photo copy * Brief CV stating leadership. * Recommendation letter from NSC or local leader. * Recommendation letter from Parish Priest or Spiritual Director.
The compassionate Blessed Mother of the Saviour is always at work. She never ceases to implore the Lord's Mercy and forgiveness for the hapless humanity. To facilitate all souls (particularly those in sinful conditions) to receive atonement of sins and possess eternal life by the merits of her Son's passion and death on the Cross, she continues to give apparitions at numerous places and performs many signs and wonders. The Blessed Mother's apparitions at a small village called Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Eastern Europe is the longest of all Her apparitions. The Mother of God gave her first appearance in Medjugorje (which literally means between mountains) on 24th June 1981 to six children. Ever since then she continues to grant her apparitions and messages even today to those fortunate chosen ones for 37 long years. With the Blessed Mother's visit, Medugorje, which was a small unimportant place in the country has become one of the most preferred and favorite locations of Marian pilgrims from around the world. When the 'Gospa' (which means lady in their local Croatian tongue) was asked by the children who she was, the Mother answered them that She was 'Virgin Mother Mary'. The word Medjugorge is pronounced as Me(d)jugor(j)e, omitting the letters in the brackets as Mejugore. The greeting slogan of the Mother of Medjugorje is MIR, MIR, MIR which in Croatian language means 'Peace, Peace, Peace'! Mejugore is known as the 'confessional of the world'. Most pilgrims who reach this place receive a repenting heart and an urge to make a confession and get the Holy Sacrament of reconciliation. When confessions are made, people not only receive forgiveness of sins but also the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and healing of body and mind. There are many priests who are ready to hear the confessions of thousands of repenting souls (in multiple languages including Indian languages) and give God's forgiveness. This transformation of soul is another miracle seen in this land. The main messages of the 'Gospa of Mejugorie' are:
1. Pray for the whole world to avail Divine Mercy. 2. Pray the Rosary Prayer (as many as possible) and make intercession. 3. Observe fasting twice a week and pray. 4. Make a confession at least once a moth (if possible once a week) with true repentance. Even though the Church has not yet recognized Madjujorge officially (the process of declaration is on the way), more than a million per year have visited it until the previous years and the number is on the rise. Many devotees give their testimonial that the Mother helped them to fulfill their goal of making a pilgrimage to Madjugorie in spite of their many hurdles including financial ones. Those who wish to make a spiritual trip to the land of Marian apparitions from south India, can now get the visa and other documents and guidance from the newly open authorized travel agents of Bosnia and Herzegovina at Kochi in Kerala. To know the details of Bosnia visa processing office in Kerala click here:
The Charismatic Renewal Movement known as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CSR) has been the fastest spreading renewal and revival movement in the Church worldwide since the past few decades. National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (NCCRS) is functioning as the country branch of CSR and is responsible for coordinating all renewal activities in the Indian Church. The National Service Team of NCCRS is gearing up to organize the XVII National Catholic Charismatic Convention in collaboration with Shillong Service Team on 19th (Friday), 20th (Saturday) and 21st (Sunday) of October, 2018. Timings: 9.00 AM to 04.30 PM. Venue of the Convention is the Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians at Laitumkhrah in Shillong of Meghalaya State. The theme of the mega event is taken from the Bible verse Romans 12:11; "Do not lag in zeal, but be ardent in Spirit and serve the Lord." Most Rev. Dominic Jala SDB (Arch Bishop of Shillong) and Most Rev Victor Lyngdoh (Bishop of Jowai) are the patrons of the event. Though this event collects Rs 1000 as registration fees, Rs 1000 for food and Rs 2000 for food and accommodation, this is a rare opportunity for all Charismatic leaders and other members. More details can be obtained by contacting the phone numbers listed below. National Charismatic Office (New Delhi) phone number: 011-42133305 / 06 Shillong Charismatic Service team phone numbers: 7005051153, 8837259765