Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Friday/ The Holiest Day of Human Redemption/ The Greatest Sacrifice in the universe.

Good Friday is observed as a Day of Sorrow in every nook and corner of the world. It is a holiday for the whole earth. The entire world, without any Religious or racial difference is sad on that Day as the Savior of the humanity sacrificed HIS precious and invaluable Life on the Cross to redeem the entire people and to make them inherit the ‘Kingdom of GOD’. The Good Friday is observed as a Holy Day of fasting and complete abstinance.

Some non-Christian people raise a doubt, why the day on which the Savior died is called as Good Friday by the Christians...? It is the Best day of all days, as on this day only the 'Salvation' and 'Life Eternal'that was Promised by the Almighty God through HIS Profets and Faithful was 'Gifted' to the human race...! What a Great Love ... the Heavenly Father's Love...!

On this day many Christian denominations like Catholics, adore the 'Holy Cross' on which the Saviour of the world hung. Some Christian denominations interupt this as idol worship. The cross, used by the lord to redeem the mankind is not considered and believed as as an idol but as the Blessed 'Alter' chosen by the Lord to make this 'Supreme Sacrifice'

You believe it or not, I have been witnessing since my childhood, even the nature shows its pain over the death of its Creator and showers in the afternoons of Good Fridays … even though this day falls in summer in India…! It is a great miracle unnoticed by any researchers… happening since long…!

Maundy (Holy)Thursday/ The Last Supper Day/ The gruesome Day on which the Master was betrayed by His Disciple

On Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), All Churches across the globe commemorate the Last Supper of the Lord. It was on that Day the Lord established the ‘Sacrament of the Holy Mass’ and the 'Holy Eucharist'. The Lord’s humility is depicted in all Churches during the Holy Service. The Priest washes the feet of twelve faithful as the Lord washed the feet of His twelve disciples on the last supper day before He was betrayed and caught in Gethsemane. This act of the Divine Master demands from HIS followers to practice the virtue of humility.

Some Catholic Christian ancestors in Kerala used to make 'unleavened loaves' and wine called as pulippillatha pesaha appam and palu (also called as Kurisappam or Indri Appam) and the eldest in the family used to serve it on the night of this day. They used to invite their relatives and neighbours. And during the night they used to spend the whole night before the Holy Eucharist or at their homes by reading the Holy Bible and Pana (a traditional spiritual Malayalam book about the Passion and Crucifixion of the Lord)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Enter the Holy Week, the very precious time in the Christian Calander devoutly

The Holy Week is the most important and Holy time in the Christian Liturgical Calendar. It is the last week of the Lent. It starts with Palm Sunday and ends on the Holy Saturday. Palm Sunday is also known as 'Passion Sunday'. This week offers a final opportunity for the ‘lost lamb’ to return to the ‘flock’ of the Good Shepherd for gaining eternal life, which is a ‘free gift’ from the Divine Savior. Those faithful failed to make a good confession in the past (for weeks, months or years) can utilize this golden chance to make it and wash their sins (however great they are…!) free of cost, in the Mercy of the Redeemer of the humanity.

In the Holy Week, the Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and the GOOD FRIDAY are the most Holy Days that are to be observed with extreme Penance, Prayer, Abstinence, Forgiveness and Charity. These days are holidays in most countries and it is advisable to spend these days in devotion. It is very essential for every Christian to observe these days with silence as days of mourning and thus indirectly profess our Faith and Love for our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us all strive to make use of this Holy Days to return to our Ever Loving Beloved Divine Father, who is anxiously waiting for the prodigal son's home return.

Who knows whether we will get one more chance, if we miss this...!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Pray the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father in Heaven"

As the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father in Heaven, Holy be your Name.....") is the most important of all prayers, it is better if certain body language gestures are observed while making this Prayer.

When ever a devotee is making this Prayer, he/she should be aware that the Lord Jesus is also making this prayer with him/her. So understand the importance of this Prayer, as this is the only Prayer taught by the Divine Master and so Pray with complete confidence and full faith in the Almighty Divine Father as a child asks some thing to its father.

Hence whenever this Prayer is said, remember that we are humbly praying to the Almighty Divine Father who is the Creator and Master of alll...!

It is highly desirable to stand or kneel and stretch and keep both hands open while saying the Lord's Prayer, during Holy Mass, public prayers or during individual personal prayers.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Prayer Requests: We will Pray for anyone/anything. Submit your Prayer needs and see Miracles...!

We are not righteous. We are not eligible to be called as worthy or good. But we have strong FAITH in the Divine Master and we do believe and know that anything asked to the Almighty Father in HIS HOLY NAME, with Faith will be answered...! If you want us to pray for your needs... health, wealth, peace, future of children, work, freedom from satanic attacks ... anything..., we are willing to do it for you. It is free.

Please Post your Prayer Needs here in this Page...!

Note: Once you receive the favors, Please do not forget to post your witness here.

God Bless...!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Major Arch Bishop Cardinal Mar Varkey Vithayathil is called for Eternal Reward

Syro-Malabar Catholic Church's head and Major Arch Bishop of Ernakulam - Angamaly Diocese, Mar Varkey Vithayathil is called by the Divine Master for Eternal Reward today. He was 84 years. He suffered a heart attack while offering a Holy mass at the Cardinal's Chapel this afternoon. The funeral is to be done after ten days, an announcement was made by the spokesperson Rev Fr Paul Thelekat. His body will be preserved in the Little Flower Hospital mortuary at Angamaly till the funeral is carried out. He was in the Most High God's sevice as a Priest for nearly 57 years...! Though such news of departure is always difficult for us to accept, we must submit fully to the Holy Will of the Divine Master.

Friday, March 18, 2011

When you Pray the 'Way of the Cross' do it with meditation and penence

How to Pray the 'Way of the Cross'...and when to say the 'Way of the Cross'...?

Catholics and some Christian denominations offer the 'Way of the Cross' very often especially during the Holy Season of Lent. It is strongly advisable to meditate and pray this prayer of the Lord's Passion on all the days of the lent if possible. If not possible, it is essential to offer this prayer at least once in a week during the days of lint-preferably on Fridays. As far as possible it is appreciable to make this prayer in the Church, as a community.

When we make this special Prayer to meditate the inexplicable sufferings of our Lord, it is appreciable and more effective when done with little penance. For instance in most Churches the fourteen (now-a-days 15) Stations of the Cross is set up. When we are making that particular Prayer, we need to walk through the stations as far as possible. During the Prayer after announcing each Station when all say; "We adore You O' Christ....", we should physically adore our Savior at least kneeling on both legs and bowing the head. If possible prostating is highly valued...!

When this Prayer is held inside a Church, after the seventh Station when we go to the eighth place which is on the other side of the Church, never forget to show proper reverence to the Eucharistic Lord by bowing/kneeling/prostrating....!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Lenten Season 2011; Get Ready for Self examination and Purification

The Season of Lent for 2011 is approaching. For Syrian Christians of the East it starts on the 7th of March (Monday) and for most other global Christian communities this year,s Lent starts on March 9th that is on the Ash Wednesday.

The season of Lent gives us an opportunity to make self examination of the condition of our spiritual life and soul. On Ash Wednesday, ash is applied on the foreheads of the devotees by the Priest saying, "Man, you are dust and unto dust you shall return".

When we are busy with material satisfaction and worldly affairs, most of us do not dare to think when we shall return to the soil. We all know that human life on this earth has no guarantee at all..! But we seldom care to bother on what path is our life traveling. (I am not at all sure that I will be alive tomorrow to post another topic on this blog or you shall be alive to read it.) I am not writing this to scare anyone, but to remind the followers of Lord Jesus Christ, that every Christian should be ready to go to his/her heavenly abode which is permanent and for which we are called. It is high time for today's Christian to ask oneself 'whether we are fit to be called Christians'...?

So let us not just tolerate this Lenten season but celebrate it with joy nor endure it with a sigh but enjoy it as it is a golden opportunity granted by the Lord to check our relationship with HIM and increase in our Spiritual lives...!

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Identity of a Christian: How a Follower of Lord Jesus Christ should live.

The population statistics show that the total number of Christians in the world is more than two billion. But it is for the individual to examine really how many are trying to live this short life on this planet, adhering to the teachings of the Divine Master. If at least 10 percent of the Christians lead a Christian life, seeing their exemplary lifestyle others (non-Christians & atheists) will be attracted towards Christianity and the Lord will be Glorified greatly. 

We know 2000 years ago the first Christian Population was just less than 100. That least number lived like CHRISTIANS and people from all walks of life started joining them to live a simple life even willing to face hardships in Love and Unity! 

It is quite unfortunate to see that many Christians bearing the holy names of Saints, Maryers, Prophets, and Angels are leading a mere materialistic and fully worldly life, doing all sorts of shameful activities that the pagans do for amassing huge wealth and thus bring disgrace to the ONE Who redeemed them shedding even the last drop of HIS Precious Blood. 

The greatest tragedy of this era is that even many Priests, Religious and Pastors who proclaim the Gospel and Preach about the Divine salvation are under the clutches of greed for money which is the most powerful weapon of satan to destroy even the Chosen Ones.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

While Entering a Church what one must remember. How to enter a Catholic Church..?

WHILE ENTERING THE CHURCH or CHAPEL, never forget that you are entering the BUSY COURT of the ALMIGHTY LORD...! Even though none can see with the naked eyes, There are numerous ANGELS and SAINTS who adore and worship the LORD unceasingly and gladly in every CHURCH or PLACE where HE is Sits in the Throne of Glory. {Can one meet a lone VIP without attendants and assistants...?}. When we enter the office of a dignified civil or political leader, how much respect we try to show him/her for granting us an interview? Can you meet the head of your country without an appointment... however great you (you think !) are...? Think...!

As the compassionate Lord is always willing to meet / bless HIS devotees without any time restrictions or reservations... do not take it for cheap or simple. There is no one in the universe greater than HIM.

Suppose an ordinary man is invited by a governor for a dinner how much gratitude and excitement this man will have! Or if the President of your country gives an appointment to you to meet him/her at his camp office, and allow you to spend some time with him, how much privileged you will be! Just imagine...! If a very important person says you are his close friend, how much happiness you will have !

Any one can any time visit the Almighty - without any prior permission or appointment !! How Merciful and Kind HE is...! So, when you enter a CHURCH especially where the MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT in the Tabernacle is venerated, Prostate in front of IT with utmost humility or Adore IT fully bending the full body or kneel before IT with the Belief that you are adoring and worshiping 'the KING of KINGS'. Then you slowly and respectfully go and occupy an appropriate place.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Epiphany of the Lord Jesus 2nd January 2011. Happy New Year 2011...!

I wish you dear reader of my blog, from the bottom of my heart that you and your near and dear ones have a "HAPPY, HEALTHY, PEACEFUL AND BLESSED NEW YEAR 2011"

Thanks to the Lord, that you and me are alive to read and write in 2011 too...!

God Bless All...,

Today the Christian world is celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord Jesus. Epiphany means 'manifestation'. Lord Jesus revealed HIS manifestation to the three wise men of the East (three kings) who desired to see HIM
. They traveled miles with lots of hardships to see the lord and worship HIM. This solemn feast is celebrated on the second Sunday after Christmas world over. HE is visible to those who seek HIM...!