Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Kakinada (Parish 2), Website

The second Catholic Parish in Kakinada of East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh in India, under the jurisdiction of the Arch Diocese of Visakhapatnam "Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church" established by Rev Fr Luke Kallakattil in the year 2004 and later stabilized spiritually and socially by Rev Fr Thomas Choorackal, Fr Anthony Antheenattu, Fr Peter Sebastian and now by Fr Varghese Kalapurakudy.

After Rev Fr Varghese Kalapurakkudi, who is very young, energetic, power-packed and above all tech savvy took charge as the new parish priest of this Church in June, 2014 the need for the presence of the Church in the World wide web was felt and he took the initiative to construct a website for the church to make known the world the different activities and initiatives taken by the Priest and the faithful in the preservation and spreading of the 'Faith' which is a gift of God.

The website address of the Church is:

(Please click the above link to visit the website).

If you want to visit the blog about Father Varghese and his activities in Kakinada, please click this link and visit.

The Faithful of the Lord are requested to visit these blog links about 'Spiritual Body Language Postures'  and add your comments and opinions below, to grow strong spiritually and reach our ultimate destination that is the 'Heaven' also known as the 'Kingdom of God'.

How to enter a Catholic Church/

How to Participate in the Holy Eucharistic Celebrations (Holy Mass)

Remain Blessed.....

Monday, October 6, 2014

Please Pray for the Vatican Family Synod which is in progress.

Our Holy Father and the current heir of the throne of the chief of the Apostles of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, Pope Francis has summoned some 191 representatives of the Universal Catholic Church  including Cardinals, Bishops and some lay family people for a Synod to discuss about some hot-button issues.

As the Pope himself has asked for the Prayers of the devoted Christians around the world as the results of this emergency Synod may affect adversely the Catholic Church in connection with certain worldly issues.

It is already foretold by our Lord 2000 years ago that during the end times, many false teachers and doctrines will appear to mislead even the chosen ones and "When the Son of Man comes, will HE find faith on the earth"?

It is evident that the satan has succeeded to win some priests and religious to act as his hidden agents and thus to harm the Church of the Lord built on the strong foundation 'Peter' (rock).

Though satan is clever and cunning, he does not know that he will pathetically fail in his attempt against  the Lord and HIS Bridal Church, though for some time it may appear as if the victory is with him.

Dear Faithful, let us all unite in Praying for the Vatican synod 2014, that the Holy Spirit the Lord will enlighten the minds of every one participating in it and destroy the secret agenda of satan.