Jesus Christ, Pope Francis has summoned some 191 representatives of the Universal Catholic Church including Cardinals, Bishops and some lay family people for a Synod to discuss about some hot-button issues.
As the Pope himself has asked for the Prayers of the devoted Christians around the world as the results of this emergency Synod may affect adversely the Catholic Church in connection with certain worldly issues.
It is already foretold by our Lord 2000 years ago that during the end times, many false teachers and doctrines will appear to mislead even the chosen ones and "When the Son of Man comes, will HE find faith on the earth"?
It is evident that the satan has succeeded to win some priests and religious to act as his hidden agents and thus to harm the Church of the Lord built on the strong foundation 'Peter' (rock).
Though satan is clever and cunning, he does not know that he will pathetically fail in his attempt against the Lord and HIS Bridal Church, though for some time it may appear as if the victory is with him.
Dear Faithful, let us all unite in Praying for the Vatican synod 2014, that the Holy Spirit the Lord will enlighten the minds of every one participating in it and destroy the secret agenda of satan.