Thursday, August 1, 2019

Feast Day of God the Creator, 'The Father of all Mankind' August 7th

The Catholic Church Commemorates and Celebrates many Feast Days in honour of the Lord viz His Birth Day, Day of Baptism, Holy Name, His Body & Blood, His Pass Over, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension etc. There are many Feast days dedicated to the honour of the Lord's Mother, His Saints, Martyrs etc and they are observed with great devotion also. These Feast Days function as days of great Blessings and miracles to numerous devotees.

There is also a Feast Day Dedicated to the 'Holy Spirit', the third Person in the Holy Trinity. But there was no days specially assigned as the Feast Day of the Creator the Holy and Almighty Father in the Church until recently. But to an Italian visionary and mystic nun by name Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio who was born on 4th September, 1907 and left for her Heavenly crown on 10th August 1990, the Divine Father appeared and dictated many sacred matters which she wrote down in Latin, a language which she had never known! The main point of this message is God, the compassionate Father asking her to assign and observe one day in the liturgical calendar as the 'Feast Day of the Father of All Mankind' either on the 'First Sunday of August' or on the '7th of August' every year.

The Love of the Divine Father is beyond our human understanding and imagination. His Love for the mankind is so great and eternal that His compassionate heart is longing for the man whom He created. That is why to redeem the lost world He sent His own Son as the Scripture Says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (Jn: 3:16).

Even though the Father is glorified through the celebration and commemoration of all the Feast Days of the Son and the Holy Spirit, is it not our duty to have a special day as the "Feast of the Father of All Mankind" on the first Sunday of August (this year on August 4th) or on the 7th day of August and invoke special blessings. Those who wish to say the Novena Prayers and welcome this Feast more royally can start reciting the Novena Prayers nine days prior to the Feast Day!

We love You, adore You and thank You, Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit...!


  1. I have been trying to get people read the message of God the Father but to no avail. Most of the people did not even bother to read the book I gave them. Today, 4th of August, I offered Holy Mass in honor of God the Father. I will continue to make His message known.

    1. Thank you for the great efforts taken by you for the greater Glory of 'God the Father'. His Holy Spirit will do the rest.
      Thank you also for visiting my humble blog and adding your comments.
      Please do come back often!

    2. I totally love this! Looking forward to meeting you in heaven in the presence of his glory and praising with you, as he ichly blesses us both and all who seek this feast dear to his heart.

  2. I am just reading the Father Speaks to His Children booklet in our Adoration Chapel as I sit here. Thank you for spreading this message. It is very powerful. Would I have access to buy a picture to display in my home? And perhaps a couple copies of this booklet to share? Thank you


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