Friday, May 1, 2020

Mount Nebo at Vagamon in Kerala a speciality Retreat Centre for deliverance

The name 'Mount Nebo' for a Christian retreat center may be a bit confusing. Because the meaning of the word Nebo in Hebrew suggests as the name of one of the important gods among the Assyro-Babylonian pantheon. he was considered as the god of knowledge and vegetation and the patron of the scribes and educational institutions. But Mount Nebo in the Holy Bible is an important mount where Moses, (the great leader of the Israelites who with the help of God, freed the Hebrew people out of their bondage in Egypt and led them through the deserts to the Promised Land) breathed his last after being granted a view of the Promised Land, "Canaan"!

Mount Nebo Retreat and revival center is a calm and peaceful retreat center at the Wagamon tourist hill-station in Idukki district of Kerala. It is located near St Sebastian's Catholic Church in Vagamon at a distance of about one kilometre from the bus top centre. It is bordering the Meenachil Taluk in Kottayam district and it is under the Syro-Malabar Diocese of Pala.

Mount Nebo Retreat center at Vagamon is presently directed by Rev Dr Thomas Vazhacharickal who is a popular exorcist Priest who held vast study and research about demonology and has extensive experience in delivering possessed people particularly youngsters from the clutches of satan and the powers of the darkness through Powerful Prayers and the help of the Most Holy Sacrament. 

Six days retreats are conducted here from time to time and one can make a prior booking for attending a retreat. Even following piously the online retreats and services conducted by the devoted Priest is capable enough to untie an affected person from the knots of evil spirits.

Knowing that the signs and symptoms are pointing towards the end time, Missionaries are working day and night without rest to gain maximum souls from eternal damnation. In India too, particularly in the state of Kerala, the work of God is being done vigorously and enthusiastically by a number of anointed Priests, Religious and the Laity. As Kerala has become the center of global Evangelization, the dark kingdom of devil is also is in full work in Kerala by recruiting many people (including influential) as its agents. On one side the Holy Work of Heaven is on the steep rise, but on the other side the cursed work of satan also is alarmingly rising. 

satan is offering money, power, positions, luxury, worldly pleasures, etc to trap as many people as possible for its kingdom. We can see these days even many priests, nuns and devoted christians renouncing the Church and their Divine Call by disobeying their authorities and joining the company of satan worshippers knowingly or unknowingly.

When devil is not sparing even the anointed people, how will it then leave the average youngsters who are mostly addicted to the tools of devil such as internet videos and mobile fun? More and more children and youth (particularly belonging to Catholic Christian families) are becoming easy victims of the the devil's trap these days through them it is plotting to destroy the families and the societies. At such a juncture, the exorcism and deliverance services of more and more powerful Priests like Rev Fr Thomas Vazhacharickal, Rev Fr Dominic Valanmanal, Rev Fr Mathew Naickomparambil, Rev Fr Xavier Khan Vattayil etc is needed for the society.

To know more and to book a retreat, please contact the phone numbers: +91 98474 72522 +91 96328 05800

To know more details about the retreat, please check their website:

To watch the Live Online Retreats and Live Videos, please click the Youtube channel of Mount Nebo Retreat Center, Vagamon.


  1. Ente Amma mathave pappaudey madhyapanam matti tharanammey

  2. Prayers requested for deliverance from evil.

  3. Amme mathave enikku Qatar prometric pass akuvan enikku vendi apeshikkename

  4. Please pray for my son Antony to come out of clutches,is 18 years.

  5. One day Retreats (Bible convention) and deliverance prayers are held in Mount Nebo Retreat Center, Vagamon on every 2nd and 4th Saturdays.

  6. Is there a day's retreat in English ? How many in a group ?

  7. All Praise and Glory be to Lord Jesus Christ 🙏

  8. God have mercy on my family, particularly my children who are addicted to mobile phone and social media sites 😭

  9. ഏതു കാര്യം ചെയ്താലും പരാജയവും നഷ്ടവും മാത്രം സാമ്പത്തി മായി വളരെയധികം വിഷമത്തിലാണ്. പ്രത്യേകം പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കണേ

  10. Generally how many people can attend the retreat held for a week?

  11. മകന് 43 വയസ്സായി അച്ചോ, ഇതുവരെ വിവാഹം നടക്കുന്നില്ല, പിന്നെ സാമ്പത്തിക കടഭാരം, പിതാവിന്റെ രോഗം എല്ലാം മാറുവാനും വിവാഹം ഉടൻ നടക്കുവാനും അച്ഛൻ ഒന്ന് പ്രാർഥിക്കുമോ, മകൻ MBA വരെ പഠിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്, ഇപ്പോൾ ഒമാനിൽ ജോലി ചെയ്യുന്നു, സ്നേഹത്തോടെ ആനിയമ്മ ബേബി, തിടനാട് ഇടവക. 9846542386,
    നന്ദി അച്ചോ.


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