Friday, December 16, 2022

MM Jerald's reply to Justice Kurian Joseph's video

Retired Supreme Court Judge Justice Kurian Joseph is honoured by most  of the Indians particularly the Keralaites, as he is considered as a gentle, noble and upright person and his verdicts as a judge were all just. And in the Christian community, he is admired as a revered person as his words and deeds are exemplary to the society as they are deep rooted in Christian perspective.

But recently Justice Kurian Joseph published a video message through  the social media, suggesting a solution to the ongoing crisis in the Syro-Malabar Church, in which he is exhorting the Church synod to compromise with the rebels and to concede to their demands!

This video was welcomed by the Ernakulum-based rebels and was celebrated by the anti-Christian print and electronic media, but has literally shocked the entire faithful, as his stand was completely biased and fully non-Biblical.

Some Fathers of the Church came forward and gave replies to his video and the Syro Malabar Church also gave an official notification, summarily rejecting his unjust and prejudiced counsel.

With this the image of Justice Kurian Joseph was damaged greatly and his present position in the faithful community was termed as the 'fall of a an archangel'!

In the above video, Bro MM Jerald, an ardent Catholic Christian apologetic, is challenging Justice Kurian Joseph openly. He is very politely but brilliantly asking Kurian Joseph basing the Holy Bible, how the justice who loves the Church dared to defame it in the public!

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