It was a good gesture from the Indian home ministry to extend the visa of Rev Sr Jean, who has been serving the lepers, poor, sick and worried people in and around Sumanahalli in Bangalore for the last 29 years. This Sister's visa expired yesterday and she was about to say a farewell to her crying inmates and the less fortunate people with tears, to go back to her Native country England.
Just minutes before her departure, an urgent message was sent to her stating the unconditional extension of her visa to stay and serve the poor of India. This order of the Ministry of Home affairs, New Delhi, was welcomed by all the people without any differences of religion or caste.
May God Bless Rev Sr Jean with a long life and good health and mind to serve the poor.
The purpose of this blog is to help the humans to find the One True God and to Reach HIM to live eternally. The contents published in this blog are inspired by the Holy Spirit for the greater Glory of Lord Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Body language of Celebrities, Amitabh Bachchan and Rajani Kanth
Humility, simplicity and openness make a person more attractive, lovable and admirable. I am writing this to comment the appreaciable behaviour of two Indian cinema super stars, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and Mr. Rajani Kanth. Thogh I watch good movies now and then and I am fond of the excellent action of many Indian superstars and actors, I personally like Shri Amitabh and Thiru Rajani for their plainness and humbleness.
Though these two are doubtlessly among the first and best in ranking, they give due respect even to the smallest artist and to the staff of the units. We are often irritated to see the pround behaviour of so many young and upcoming stars, even though they have no or very less number of fans and admirers.
My advise to one and all... The more height you reach or want to reach, you humble yourselves to the lowest level. By doing this your status in the society and in the industry will only increase. Because the Lord Jesus in the Holy Bible says, "Whoever humbles himself will be exalted and whoever exalts himself will be humbled".
Though these two are doubtlessly among the first and best in ranking, they give due respect even to the smallest artist and to the staff of the units. We are often irritated to see the pround behaviour of so many young and upcoming stars, even though they have no or very less number of fans and admirers.
My advise to one and all... The more height you reach or want to reach, you humble yourselves to the lowest level. By doing this your status in the society and in the industry will only increase. Because the Lord Jesus in the Holy Bible says, "Whoever humbles himself will be exalted and whoever exalts himself will be humbled".
super stars
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Personality Development - What is personality? What is individuality..?
We see and hear a lot about 'personality development training or courses' now-a-days! Many people misinterpret personality with individuality. To improve or develop a person's individual abilities or talents, certain trainings or confidence-building tactics are taught. This is widely commercialized these days.
Even personality has two sides. The external 'appearance of a person' and the 'internal character' side which makes his true sense! A person is the result of many aspects. His behavior or dealings with others is the result of his 'brought up' by parents, teachers, friends, the society etc.
The external appearance is valued much while assessing a candidate for certain jobs and appointments. What is to be weighed more is his 'true colors' that is temporarily hiding in him.
To some extend the individuality can be developed, by trying to remove any 'inferiority complex' or 'unknown fear' that is a hindrance to the growth of a person. In any case I feel "fear of the Lord" is the most important thing to develop in one's life.
It is very unfortunate if the 'Church' gives any importance to 'outward appearance' or the 'complexion' of the devotees. Because The Lord sees not the appearance but the heart of people.
So beware, "appearances are deceptive"...!
Even personality has two sides. The external 'appearance of a person' and the 'internal character' side which makes his true sense! A person is the result of many aspects. His behavior or dealings with others is the result of his 'brought up' by parents, teachers, friends, the society etc.
The external appearance is valued much while assessing a candidate for certain jobs and appointments. What is to be weighed more is his 'true colors' that is temporarily hiding in him.
To some extend the individuality can be developed, by trying to remove any 'inferiority complex' or 'unknown fear' that is a hindrance to the growth of a person. In any case I feel "fear of the Lord" is the most important thing to develop in one's life.
It is very unfortunate if the 'Church' gives any importance to 'outward appearance' or the 'complexion' of the devotees. Because The Lord sees not the appearance but the heart of people.
So beware, "appearances are deceptive"...!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The huge treasures found at Thiruvananthapuram Sri Padmanabha Temple
The recent discovery of the huge treasures in five vaults under the Sri Padmanabha Temple in Tranvancore has become the talk of the world, being it the largest discovery of such hidden treasures in the entire world yet. One can know the importance of this as most of the local, National and International electronic and print media giving wide coverage to it since its unearthing. Now everyone's eyes are turned towards the sixth room which is yet to be opened as the Supreme Court of India has given a stay regarding its opening.
When a Christian sees all these, he must immediately recollect the Sayings of the Lord in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, chapter 13, verse 44. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man finds in a land/field and immediately he hides it and hurries home, sells all that he has and buys the land'...!
Acquiring a place in the Kingdom of God is much higher than posessing all the treasures, the world can offer...! A believer should not lose this great berth in God's Kingdom for mere worldly treasures that cannot grant anyone the entry into God's Kingdom.
We have heard many great kings like Goutama Buddha, who lived in this earth forsaking the riches and pleasures of this world, as they realized that they are all vanity. If a man gains the whole world and loses his soul, what is the use (Matt. 16:26)...?
Dear brethren, be watchful...!
When a Christian sees all these, he must immediately recollect the Sayings of the Lord in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, chapter 13, verse 44. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man finds in a land/field and immediately he hides it and hurries home, sells all that he has and buys the land'...!
Acquiring a place in the Kingdom of God is much higher than posessing all the treasures, the world can offer...! A believer should not lose this great berth in God's Kingdom for mere worldly treasures that cannot grant anyone the entry into God's Kingdom.
We have heard many great kings like Goutama Buddha, who lived in this earth forsaking the riches and pleasures of this world, as they realized that they are all vanity. If a man gains the whole world and loses his soul, what is the use (Matt. 16:26)...?
Dear brethren, be watchful...!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Let us all unite in Prayer for those victims of Yesterday's Mumbay Blasts
The triple bomb blasts in the main centers of Mumbai claiming many lives of innocent civilians, and injuring hundreds, thus creating terror and panic in the ordinary people was quite unfortunate. More than a year of peace, the terror strikes were very condemnable. What do they gain by killing or wounding normal people who live in communal harmony and brotherhood...?
Our sympethy and prayers are with the victims and their grief stircken families. May the Almighty God give rest to the departed souls, heal all those who are wounded and in hospitals, and strengthen and give courage to the affected families.
It gives a lot of happiness to understand many people in and around the spot are rushing with aid through social networking sites like twitter and facebook, without any sort of discrimination.
God Bless ALL and prevent another such anywhere on the face of the earth...!!!
Our sympethy and prayers are with the victims and their grief stircken families. May the Almighty God give rest to the departed souls, heal all those who are wounded and in hospitals, and strengthen and give courage to the affected families.
It gives a lot of happiness to understand many people in and around the spot are rushing with aid through social networking sites like twitter and facebook, without any sort of discrimination.
God Bless ALL and prevent another such anywhere on the face of the earth...!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Beware of Satanic worship and false crucifix and medals...!
This is a Serious warning to all the saved followers of God the Almighty...!!!
The term satanic worship is heard here and there. satan is using all his might to capture, deceive and derail the 'children of God'! We must be aware that he is also mighty. But we can rest and relax because our Lord the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is Almighty...! He is the One who created everything. He is the One who redeems all. He is the One Who sent His dearly beloved SON to save us...! Alleluia...!
The evil spirit knows that we are approaching the end days. he wants to trap as many children of God as possible and join his gang. Poor innocent people who are not vigilant and walk in a distance from the Word of God are prone to be trapped easily.
Now a days, even Crucifixes, Rosaries and Religious Medals of Blessed Mother and Saints are fake and are manufactured and circulated by these loyalists of the cursed angel. When we buy or receive a spiritual item or product carefully examine it and conform whether it is from the true Church or her devotees...!
The term satanic worship is heard here and there. satan is using all his might to capture, deceive and derail the 'children of God'! We must be aware that he is also mighty. But we can rest and relax because our Lord the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is Almighty...! He is the One who created everything. He is the One who redeems all. He is the One Who sent His dearly beloved SON to save us...! Alleluia...!
The evil spirit knows that we are approaching the end days. he wants to trap as many children of God as possible and join his gang. Poor innocent people who are not vigilant and walk in a distance from the Word of God are prone to be trapped easily.
Now a days, even Crucifixes, Rosaries and Religious Medals of Blessed Mother and Saints are fake and are manufactured and circulated by these loyalists of the cursed angel. When we buy or receive a spiritual item or product carefully examine it and conform whether it is from the true Church or her devotees...!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Medjugorje Apparitions - for 30 long Years....!
It is a great News that the Apparitions of our Blessed Virgin Mother have been taking place without any hinderance for 30 long years at Medjugorje, a small and quiet place.
Many miracles are continuously taking place here and people from far and wide are rushing to this place to have a vision of Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and to get their wishes granted.
Even people who donot honor the Virgin Mother, have no answer to these apparitions, as these are being witnessed by the whole world, including media, dignatries, officials etc.
O' Mother, Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, Please pray for all your children living in this world and grant us peace and true devotion for your Divine Son. Amen...!
Many miracles are continuously taking place here and people from far and wide are rushing to this place to have a vision of Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje and to get their wishes granted.
Even people who donot honor the Virgin Mother, have no answer to these apparitions, as these are being witnessed by the whole world, including media, dignatries, officials etc.
O' Mother, Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, Please pray for all your children living in this world and grant us peace and true devotion for your Divine Son. Amen...!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Prayer for the London 2012 Olympics
The Church of England has released a prayer for those preparing for the 2012 London Olympic Games. It pleads for God's presence to be with the athletes, their families and supporters , and the thousands of churches preparing for the events in their communities during the preparation and during the games.
The Church of England's Executive Olympics Coordinator, Rev Duncan Green said that as many as 16,000 Churches of England are planning events to coincide with the Olympic 2012 Games.
The Anglican Church's Olympics prayer has been composed by the Rev Christopher Woods, who is the Church of England's National Worship Development Officer.
Let's also join hands with them and pray for the peaceful and successful conduct of the 2012 Olympic Games...!
The Church of England's Executive Olympics Coordinator, Rev Duncan Green said that as many as 16,000 Churches of England are planning events to coincide with the Olympic 2012 Games.
The Anglican Church's Olympics prayer has been composed by the Rev Christopher Woods, who is the Church of England's National Worship Development Officer.
Let's also join hands with them and pray for the peaceful and successful conduct of the 2012 Olympic Games...!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011 is Vatican's new information website
Pope Benedict XVI has launched recently Vatican's new information website. The official launching came with a short 'twitter message' from the Holy Father, Praising our Lord Jesus Christ. The new portal will have online information from the Vatican's Print and Electronic media outlets as part of Roman Catholic Church's fresh communications.
This site is expected to have high popularity as Catholics alone number about 1.1 billion in the world...!
Praise be to our Lord...!
This site is expected to have high popularity as Catholics alone number about 1.1 billion in the world...!
Praise be to our Lord...!
holy sea,
New web site,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Happy Independence Day, Dear Americans...!
United State of America is celebrating its 'Independence Day' on 5th July 2011...! We wish whole heartedly all the people of America a "Happy Independence Day"! May God Bless America and all its people abundantly for their steadfast Faith in HIM.
May I request the Americans humbly, not to forget the Lord who has called them and granted them prosperity and joy. I also wish that, America being the strongest and most developed country, should not promote or enact any laws that are contrary to the "Law of the Lord"...!
It is sad to see more American states joining the making of some unnatural laws like legalizing 'the gay marriage'. Recently I read, New York, the largest state also passed the rule!
We have seen many times and learned from experiences, that any individual or organization or state or country, how ever great they are, when they forsake the Teachings of the Lord, and start doing injustices, they will pay for it...! Let America flourish and be safe ....!
May I request the Americans humbly, not to forget the Lord who has called them and granted them prosperity and joy. I also wish that, America being the strongest and most developed country, should not promote or enact any laws that are contrary to the "Law of the Lord"...!
It is sad to see more American states joining the making of some unnatural laws like legalizing 'the gay marriage'. Recently I read, New York, the largest state also passed the rule!
We have seen many times and learned from experiences, that any individual or organization or state or country, how ever great they are, when they forsake the Teachings of the Lord, and start doing injustices, they will pay for it...! Let America flourish and be safe ....!
Monday, June 27, 2011
26th World Youth Convention of Catholics to be held in Madrid, Spain from 16th August, 2011
World Youth Day (WYD) was started by Pope John Paul II in 1886 to spread the love and fellowship of Lord Christ. This year's WYD congress is to be held at Madrid in Spain from August 16 to 21, 2011. Millions of Catholic youth from around the globe will gather in the Love of the Lord for this convention to share and understand the greatness of different cultures and to renew their strong faith in the Lord our Savior.
pope Benedict the XVI has extended his invitation to the Catholic youth of the world to make this mega annual event a grand success by their prayerful presence, live faith and heavenly charity. The Church in Spain is making all necessary arrangements to experience the joy of sharing and serving the faithful of the Divine Master...!
pope Benedict the XVI has extended his invitation to the Catholic youth of the world to make this mega annual event a grand success by their prayerful presence, live faith and heavenly charity. The Church in Spain is making all necessary arrangements to experience the joy of sharing and serving the faithful of the Divine Master...!
christian catholic youth,
world youth day
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Nilackal St Thomas Church - World's First Christian Ecumenical Church...!
The Christian Church named St. Thomas Church is the first Christian Ecumenical Church in the world. It is situated on the hill slopes of Nilackal in the western ghats in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala in South India. It was established 30 years ago by the Bishops of Catholic rites, Jacobite, Orthodox, Marthoma, CSI etc jointly. It is built at the place where Apostle St Thomas first established one of the seven and a half Churches about 2000 years ago. Before the construction of this Church an old 'Cross' believed to be a part of the old Church was found. People belonging to most Christian denominations and even people belonging to other religions go to this Church to receive many favors.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Evangelisation Is A Task For All Faithful Of The Church
"The joy of producing the faith in the Church of Rome". This is the theme of the closure of the Pastoral Year of Rome by Pope Benedict the XVI.
In this congress, the Holy Father highlighted the necessity of proclaiming the "Good News" of Lord Jesus Christ to the far corners of the world.
It is the duty and a joyful experience when we share our God given faith with others and show them the path to salvation and eternal world.
Let's be proud of our Faith first and attract others to the Lord's Church by our noble and service-minded lives.
In this congress, the Holy Father highlighted the necessity of proclaiming the "Good News" of Lord Jesus Christ to the far corners of the world.
It is the duty and a joyful experience when we share our God given faith with others and show them the path to salvation and eternal world.
Let's be proud of our Faith first and attract others to the Lord's Church by our noble and service-minded lives.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Greed for Money, Power, Position and worldly affairs
Even many chosen and ordained servants today forget at whose servicee they are. Many Priests and Pastors run for position, power and wealth. Some times they behave even more shamefully than pagans. Are they lacking the discernment of the Holy Spirit?
When a priest is elevated as a Bishop, he is expected to become more humble and graceful. He should renounce the world more and get attached to the heaven. If such 'Pastors' lead the Church, how far their tenure will be fruitful and pleasing to the 'ONE' that called them...?
The faithful must pray fervently for the spiritual leaders. Because they will be tormented by the satan more than anyone else and they need more strength to withstand such temptations.
One thing is clear and known to one and all. No position or power or reccomendation or status or wealth shall take any one to Heaven...!
When a priest is elevated as a Bishop, he is expected to become more humble and graceful. He should renounce the world more and get attached to the heaven. If such 'Pastors' lead the Church, how far their tenure will be fruitful and pleasing to the 'ONE' that called them...?
The faithful must pray fervently for the spiritual leaders. Because they will be tormented by the satan more than anyone else and they need more strength to withstand such temptations.
One thing is clear and known to one and all. No position or power or reccomendation or status or wealth shall take any one to Heaven...!
Friday, April 29, 2011
World is ending on May 21, 2011 or December 21, 2012..?
When will the world end...? When is the earth coming to an end...? When is the dooms day...! These are the questions asked by many people afraid of dying or not interested to leave the comfort / happiness / pleasures of this life and all the wealth and properties that they have amassed in this world....!
There are many predictions regarding the end of the world in 2011 or 2012. Some strongly make predictions that it is on the 21st of May 2011 the world will end. But many others are of the opinion that it is on the 21st of December, 2012 the dooms day is falling. Many Scientists are also supporting these prediction as they have a number of reasons to put forward. Hence most people in general are under the grip of some fear about the end of man's life on this earth and/or the earth's coming to an end...!
Should we believe these predictions about the end of the world and fear about these?
The whole world will come to an end one day. It is very very true as it is categorically said by the Universal Master, Jesus Christ...! But HE has made it very clear in the Holy Bible that no man or angel knows the day and hour of the end of the ages and the second coming of the Saviour Jesus to take HIS faithful to the Ever lasting Kingdom.
We need to make a self examination, whether we are eligible to face our Master...? He may come today....! He may come now- this moment...! You and I may never again get another chance to prepare...! This is the acceptable time.... This is the time for Salvation...!
On the other hand, there are some who oppose the end of the world. They are just stubborn like those people who lived and marooned during the time of Noah. When warnings are issued, it is our duty to heed them. There are many indications given in the Holy Bible about the end days. We are, no doubt passing through them. When we see all these things happen, we need to realize that HIS Coming is at hand and try to prepare ourselves to face the Lord with confidence.
Dear Friend, do not panic...but do not neglect...Please...! Let's mend our ways... let's leave all the wrong ways, deceit, lies, murder, thirst for flesh, power and money. For we may not get many warnings...!
The Compassionate and Loving Saviour who have paid preciously for our souls wants and wishes us to join HIM in HIS eternal Kingdom...!
There are many predictions regarding the end of the world in 2011 or 2012. Some strongly make predictions that it is on the 21st of May 2011 the world will end. But many others are of the opinion that it is on the 21st of December, 2012 the dooms day is falling. Many Scientists are also supporting these prediction as they have a number of reasons to put forward. Hence most people in general are under the grip of some fear about the end of man's life on this earth and/or the earth's coming to an end...!
Should we believe these predictions about the end of the world and fear about these?
The whole world will come to an end one day. It is very very true as it is categorically said by the Universal Master, Jesus Christ...! But HE has made it very clear in the Holy Bible that no man or angel knows the day and hour of the end of the ages and the second coming of the Saviour Jesus to take HIS faithful to the Ever lasting Kingdom.
We need to make a self examination, whether we are eligible to face our Master...? He may come today....! He may come now- this moment...! You and I may never again get another chance to prepare...! This is the acceptable time.... This is the time for Salvation...!
On the other hand, there are some who oppose the end of the world. They are just stubborn like those people who lived and marooned during the time of Noah. When warnings are issued, it is our duty to heed them. There are many indications given in the Holy Bible about the end days. We are, no doubt passing through them. When we see all these things happen, we need to realize that HIS Coming is at hand and try to prepare ourselves to face the Lord with confidence.
Dear Friend, do not panic...but do not neglect...Please...! Let's mend our ways... let's leave all the wrong ways, deceit, lies, murder, thirst for flesh, power and money. For we may not get many warnings...!
The Compassionate and Loving Saviour who have paid preciously for our souls wants and wishes us to join HIM in HIS eternal Kingdom...!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sunday Sermons ‘of the Priests, by the Priests, for the Priests’…!
The Mother Church has issued instructions to the Parish Priests around the world to give a brief explanation of the Gospel and other Bible readings to the parishners depending upon the need and situation of their Parishes at least on Sundays. It is good to see many Priests fulfill this instruction and use their God-given talent of delivering some Biblical Message. I have seen some successful Priests making prior preparation on the Topic, in the light of the Most Holy Spirit. It is quite unfortunate to see some Christian Priests misuse this privilege by performing some ‘oral exercise’ irrelevant to the topic of the day or the community and thus test the patience of the gathered congregation. Those adamant priests, even if it is brought to their notice, never try to make a self examination of the issue or make necessary correction to this practice. In contrary, they further punish the congregation by prolonging their ‘sermon’ even though many devotees leave the Church…!
Priests do know the Words of the Lord, “You cannot do anything without me”. When anyone’s intention is for personal name, fame or appreciation, the Lord’s intervention is not sought and hence it is absent there. Then how can such messages move the hearts and lives of the people…?
Dear Rev Father, forgive me please…if you do not have the gift of powerful speaking … It is not a great problem. Accept the fact the you are lacking it instead of comparing with another Priest…! Even few words spoken with the support of the most Holy Spirit is much better than a lengthy 'Spiritless sermon'. So please submit completely before the Good Lord and ask HIM humbly – who will grant it in plenty to you and the lives of the flock entrusted to your care WILL change by HIS Grace…!!! It is not important "how long you spoke, but how you spoke"!
Priests do know the Words of the Lord, “You cannot do anything without me”. When anyone’s intention is for personal name, fame or appreciation, the Lord’s intervention is not sought and hence it is absent there. Then how can such messages move the hearts and lives of the people…?
Dear Rev Father, forgive me please…if you do not have the gift of powerful speaking … It is not a great problem. Accept the fact the you are lacking it instead of comparing with another Priest…! Even few words spoken with the support of the most Holy Spirit is much better than a lengthy 'Spiritless sermon'. So please submit completely before the Good Lord and ask HIM humbly – who will grant it in plenty to you and the lives of the flock entrusted to your care WILL change by HIS Grace…!!! It is not important "how long you spoke, but how you spoke"!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Do not lie to the Lord in Prayer / Holy Mass...!
When we are in Prayer or Participating in a Holy Mass, never make any prayers with just the lips, without your full attention. For example during the Holy Mass, the Priest says, "Lift up your hearts" and the congregation says in one voice, "we lift them up to the LORD" and then the Priest says, "Let us give thanks to the Lord our God" and the response of the participants is, "It is right to give HIM thanks and Praise."
Many devotees without realizing the meaning of these sayings simply say these responses with the crowd. Is it not a lie...? So, when we say, we have lifted up our hearts to heaven, understand what we are saying and try to truly 'lift up the hearts to GOD'. All responses must come from the heart - and not from the mouth, because the Lord may not like lip services....!
Likewise, when we sing hymns and songs in the Church or at homes, meditate and sing understanding the proper lyrics. Spiritual Devotional songs are not just for the melody or tune, they are also prayers from the depth of the hearts....!
So when we recite or read a Prayer, Let the words and phrases come from our
"Our Father who are in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name....."or "Hail Mary, Full of Grace..." or "Glory be to the Father...."
Many devotees without realizing the meaning of these sayings simply say these responses with the crowd. Is it not a lie...? So, when we say, we have lifted up our hearts to heaven, understand what we are saying and try to truly 'lift up the hearts to GOD'. All responses must come from the heart - and not from the mouth, because the Lord may not like lip services....!
Likewise, when we sing hymns and songs in the Church or at homes, meditate and sing understanding the proper lyrics. Spiritual Devotional songs are not just for the melody or tune, they are also prayers from the depth of the hearts....!
So when we recite or read a Prayer, Let the words and phrases come from our
"Our Father who are in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name....."or "Hail Mary, Full of Grace..." or "Glory be to the Father...."
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter is Over, But its Promise remains ... for ever...!
Dear visitor, EASTER GREETINGS to you and your near and dear ones.
One more Easter is just over. But we must be aware that the Promises from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ remains for ever and ever...! The defeat of the death and satan is for ever. The victory of the 'Holy Blood' of the Lord over evil is also for ever. Hence we need to be courages and hopeful. Our Lord has borne all our afflictions on HIS Body... to minimise our pains...!
One more Easter is just over. But we must be aware that the Promises from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ remains for ever and ever...! The defeat of the death and satan is for ever. The victory of the 'Holy Blood' of the Lord over evil is also for ever. Hence we need to be courages and hopeful. Our Lord has borne all our afflictions on HIS Body... to minimise our pains...!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Please Observe the Most Holy Days as holy and blessed differently.
Please avoid loud talks, jokes, arguments, anger etc and spend these days in silence and meditation maximum possibly. Please avoid any gatherings, celebrations, parties, etc even if held by non- christians and make them realize how much reverence we give for these days by your exemplary activities ...!
All those who missed to make a confession or to pray the 'way of the Cross' can make use of these days. If on these days, you are forced to work, proclaim your love for your Lord who saved you with HIS passion by observing quiet and exposing a mourning face.
Even if you do not want to love Lord Jesus, please do not hate HIM... and increase HIS passions.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Good Friday/ The Holiest Day of Human Redemption/ The Greatest Sacrifice in the universe.
Some non-Christian people raise a doubt, why the day on which the Savior died is called as Good Friday by the Christians...? It is the Best day of all days, as on this day only the 'Salvation' and 'Life Eternal'that was Promised by the Almighty God through HIS Profets and Faithful was 'Gifted' to the human race...! What a Great Love ... the Heavenly Father's Love...!
On this day many Christian denominations like Catholics, adore the 'Holy Cross' on which the Saviour of the world hung. Some Christian denominations interupt this as idol worship. The cross, used by the lord to redeem the mankind is not considered and believed as as an idol but as the Blessed 'Alter' chosen by the Lord to make this 'Supreme Sacrifice'
You believe it or not, I have been witnessing since my childhood, even the nature shows its pain over the death of its Creator and showers in the afternoons of Good Fridays … even though this day falls in summer in India…! It is a great miracle unnoticed by any researchers… happening since long…!
God's Love,
Good Friday,
Jesus dies on the cross
Maundy (Holy)Thursday/ The Last Supper Day/ The gruesome Day on which the Master was betrayed by His Disciple
On Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), All Churches across the globe commemorate the Last Supper of the Lord. It was on that Day the Lord established the ‘Sacrament of the Holy Mass’ and the 'Holy Eucharist'. The Lord’s humility is depicted in all Churches during the Holy Service. The Priest washes the feet of twelve faithful as the Lord washed the feet of His twelve disciples on the last supper day before He was betrayed and caught in Gethsemane. This act of the Divine Master demands from HIS followers to practice the virtue of humility.
Some Catholic Christian ancestors in Kerala used to make 'unleavened loaves' and wine called as pulippillatha pesaha appam and palu (also called as Kurisappam or Indri Appam) and the eldest in the family used to serve it on the night of this day. They used to invite their relatives and neighbours. And during the night they used to spend the whole night before the Holy Eucharist or at their homes by reading the Holy Bible and Pana (a traditional spiritual Malayalam book about the Passion and Crucifixion of the Lord)
Some Catholic Christian ancestors in Kerala used to make 'unleavened loaves' and wine called as pulippillatha pesaha appam and palu (also called as Kurisappam or Indri Appam) and the eldest in the family used to serve it on the night of this day. They used to invite their relatives and neighbours. And during the night they used to spend the whole night before the Holy Eucharist or at their homes by reading the Holy Bible and Pana (a traditional spiritual Malayalam book about the Passion and Crucifixion of the Lord)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Enter the Holy Week, the very precious time in the Christian Calander devoutly
In the Holy Week, the Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and the GOOD FRIDAY are the most Holy Days that are to be observed with extreme Penance, Prayer, Abstinence, Forgiveness and Charity. These days are holidays in most countries and it is advisable to spend these days in devotion. It is very essential for every Christian to observe these days with silence as days of mourning and thus indirectly profess our Faith and Love for our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us all strive to make use of this Holy Days to return to our Ever Loving Beloved Divine Father, who is anxiously waiting for the prodigal son's home return.
Who knows whether we will get one more chance, if we miss this...!
Good Friday,
Holy Wednesday,
holy week,
Maundy Thursday,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
How to Pray the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father in Heaven"
As the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father in Heaven, Holy be your Name.....") is the most important of all prayers, it is better if certain body language gestures are observed while making this Prayer.
When ever a devotee is making this Prayer, he/she should be aware that the Lord Jesus is also making this prayer with him/her. So understand the importance of this Prayer, as this is the only Prayer taught by the Divine Master and so Pray with complete confidence and full faith in the Almighty Divine Father as a child asks some thing to its father.
Hence whenever this Prayer is said, remember that we are humbly praying to the Almighty Divine Father who is the Creator and Master of alll...!
It is highly desirable to stand or kneel and stretch and keep both hands open while saying the Lord's Prayer, during Holy Mass, public prayers or during individual personal prayers.
When ever a devotee is making this Prayer, he/she should be aware that the Lord Jesus is also making this prayer with him/her. So understand the importance of this Prayer, as this is the only Prayer taught by the Divine Master and so Pray with complete confidence and full faith in the Almighty Divine Father as a child asks some thing to its father.
Hence whenever this Prayer is said, remember that we are humbly praying to the Almighty Divine Father who is the Creator and Master of alll...!
It is highly desirable to stand or kneel and stretch and keep both hands open while saying the Lord's Prayer, during Holy Mass, public prayers or during individual personal prayers.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Prayer Requests: We will Pray for anyone/anything. Submit your Prayer needs and see Miracles...!
We are not righteous. We are not eligible to be called as worthy or good. But we have strong FAITH in the Divine Master and we do believe and know that anything asked to the Almighty Father in HIS HOLY NAME, with Faith will be answered...! If you want us to pray for your needs... health, wealth, peace, future of children, work, freedom from satanic attacks ... anything..., we are willing to do it for you. It is free.
Please Post your Prayer Needs here in this Page...!
Note: Once you receive the favors, Please do not forget to post your witness here.
God Bless...!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Major Arch Bishop Cardinal Mar Varkey Vithayathil is called for Eternal Reward
Syro-Malabar Catholic Church's head and Major Arch Bishop of Ernakulam - Angamaly Diocese, Mar Varkey Vithayathil is called by the Divine Master for Eternal Reward today. He was 84 years. He suffered a heart attack while offering a Holy mass at the Cardinal's Chapel this afternoon. The funeral is to be done after ten days, an announcement was made by the spokesperson Rev Fr Paul Thelekat. His body will be preserved in the Little Flower Hospital mortuary at Angamaly till the funeral is carried out. He was in the Most High God's sevice as a Priest for nearly 57 years...! Though such news of departure is always difficult for us to accept, we must submit fully to the Holy Will of the Divine Master.
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